Fun Corner

Baby Finn Song by Baby Finn 

I'm a buff baby that can dance like a man!
I can shake-ah my fanny I can shake-ah my can!
I'm a though tootin' baby, I can punch-a yo buns!
Punch-a yo buns, I can punch-all yo buns!
If you're an evil witch, I will punch you for fun!

Daddy, Why Did You Eat My Fries? by Marceline the Vampire Queen

Daddy, why did you my fries?
I bought them and they were mine.
But you ate them, yeah, you ate my fries.
And I cried, but you didn't see me cry.
Daddy, do you even love me? 
Well I wish you'd show it,
Cause I wouldn't know it.
What kind of dad eats his daughter's fries?And doesn't look her in her eyes?
Daddy, there were tears there.
If you saw them would you even care?